He popped back in later in the day to check on something and I showed him my new favorite You Tube video. (Thanks, Jane Harper!)
At the end of the day, he came by with another IT fella. Here's the back story on the other guy: he's incredibly nice but definitely the male version of a single cat lady. And I know for a fact he loves cats. I see him every couple of months or so around campus.
So these two IT dudes come to my door... I'm sitting at my desk and the older dude can see a ring I wear on my left hand. This ring to be exact:
Older guy: Hey Elizabeth! So you got married? Congrats!
Me: No...
Older guy: Oh, so you're engaged?
Me: No...
Younger guy: It's not an engagement ring (attempting to smooth things out).
Older guy: Oh, so it's a promise ring?
Me: No.
Older guy: Oh. So, is there someone special in your life?
Me: No.
Older guy: Yeah, I've never been married either...I still keep hoping and holding out for that one day.
Me: Ok.
Older guy: So I guess you and I are in the same boat?!
Younger guy: Uh...maybe we should watch that You Tube video?! (again, trying to smooth things out)
Me: What are you here for?
Here's your life lesson for the day: learn social cues. In case you were wondering, the correct response would be to say Oh, that's a pretty ring and promptly change the subject after the first or (at most) second, "no" from me.
And if you're not laughing already, please enjoy this video!
Oh so painfully awkward!!! Both the conversation and that episode of The Office!!! I'm cringing...