
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One thing I asked

the Lord for before our trip (and during our trip) was for a BIG miracle.  I wanted to see something crazy from the Lord.  I don't really bump into people missing limbs and can clearly remember three from my trip: Ramon who I got to pray for two mornings in a row and hopefully explained in my poor Spanish that we were moving hotels and I didn't know if I'd see him again.

The first day we handed out eye glasses, I saw this beautiful old woman that was missing a leg.  I prayed for her while we gave her glasses.  To my delight, she came back that night for the revival and I got to pray for her for a long time, along with some friends praying too.

Our last day of handing out glasses, there was a man without an arm.  I got to pray for him.

For all of these people, I asked that the Lord would grow back their limbs.  Sound crazy?  Maybe so.  But I believe the Lord can do it!

Yet, He didn't.

A few days into the trip I told the Lord I wanted a BIG miracle and He hadn't given me one.  Since I am sarcastic, I think the Lord likes to be sarcastic back with me -- it's a language I comprehend well.  He said, "really?  Have I not?"  Then I remembered all the things that had gone wrong and how the Lord had provided for us over and over again on our trip.  He gave me miracle after miracle; they just didn't look like what I pictured/wanted.  And yet, I loved praying for these people and trusting the Lord for their healing.  AND they may be healed now...I have no idea!

I never see people missing limbs in my everyday realm, but the day after I got back, I saw a lady with missing fingers.  Prayed for her.  My first day in Spartanburg, as we checked into the hotel, the lady came around to give me my key and I noticed her legs weren't even.  I didn't pray because I was with my bosses.  There's no condemnation for those in Jesus, but I realized how much I missed out by not praying for her.  I went back to find her a few times but she was on the phone or gone.  I checked the rest of my days at the hotel, but didn't find her.

I say these things because I still want to see a BIG miracle and the best way to do that is to ASK the Lord for them.  To trust that He can and will.  And that means being actively engaged.  And I want that.  I also want to see and be thankful for ALL the ways the Lord is working -- what I might deem small might actually be something huge.  So thankful for the God I serve and the ways He works.

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