Yesterday I realized there must be something gross in the kitchen trashcan because it smelled funky. So I took the bag outside. Yep, something had fallen out of the bag and molded. Gross. I removed that and poured some bleach in the trashcan to clean it out. I washed the top to the can and re-assembled it for use. While this was all going on, I decided to clean out the pantry and set that trash bag outside as well -- since it will get taken away Tuesday morning.
Of course I walk outside this morning and realize that some critter has torn one of the bags open. In several places. Ugh! Something fun for me to take of when I get home tonight. Sometimes my life is the mirror image of a fairytale. Pretty sure Disney will want to make a movie about me soon...
Speaking of critters, Stuart killed a baby roach AND a momma roach this morning in our kitchen. BLECCCHHHHH...Grody indeed.