
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Do you remember wearing scrunchies in middle school?  I do.  I loved them.  I think the key words here are middle school.  Meaning, they wore out their welcome after the early to mid 90's.  Or, so I thought.  Sadly, I've seen a reappearance of these little guys around town lately.  Is it true?  Are scrunchies making a comeback?  I surely hope not!  A simple and discrete hair rubber band does the trick.

I'm reminded of when Carrie was dating Burger on Sex in the City.  She read his book and her only critique was that New York women don't wear scrunchies.  Oh Carrie, how I love your style.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey, EA! Ask Court to tell you about the DOZENS of scrunchies she MADE for her friends in middle school!!!!!
