
Friday, November 12, 2010

Is the Bible...

...Intolerant? Sexist? Oppressive? Homophobic? Outdated? Irrelevant?
This book was written by Amy Orr-Ewing; she spoke at my church sometime last winter.  I'm not used to hearing a woman preach on Sunday mornings, but she was SO good!  She works with Ravi Zacharias, for his international ministry.  Immediately, I could tell that she was passionate for Lord and highly intelligent.  Two things I'm attracted to.  I heard about this book and decided to give it a whirl.  I read it this week and loved it.
Side note: I found it on Amazon for a $4 with shiping.  Not too shabby!  Perfect condition no less.
It is a short book.  Easy to read.  Very informative.  Check it out:
Some quotes I love:
When it comes to the Bible, there are over five thousand hand written manuscripts in the Greek language in support of the New Testament alone that help us ensure the accuracy of its writings.  Many of the earliest copies are seperated from the originals not by fourteen hundred years, but only by twenty five to fifty years (40).
It is striking for us to remember that the word of women was perceived as having less value than that of men.  It is therefore enormously important that the most significant events of Jesus' death and resurrection were witnessed at first hand primarily by women (89).
Many of our inclinations may try to lead us away from God's standard, but this does not mean that the teaching of the Bible changes (122).

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