
Friday, November 13, 2009

Family Funny

I had supper at mom and dad's house last was delicious and I got parting gifts: leftovers and assorted food items.

As I was loading up the car, the following conversation took place:
Dad: Call us when you get home.
Me: No, I'm not going to do that.
Mom: Ok...she's not going to call us when she gets home.
Me: It's a twenty minute drive...and you've haven't known where I was or what I was doing the past eight, no, I'm not calling you when I get home.
Mom: Ok...[Imagine mom disappointed, yet trying to grasp reality.]

Fast forward a few days to Sunday. I'm in Columbia (see post) And see that I've missed a call from my dad. Being the wonderful daughter I am, I call him back.

Dad: Hey. Two questions. One. I was going to tell you that if you're near the house, I have some fresh red fish and you could join me for supper. But I already ate it. Two. How was the oyster roast?
Me: Roast was a lot of fun. Glad you enjoyed your fish already. Besides, I'm not near the house...I'm eating supper in Columbia and then driving home. I'll get home late so I'll call you when I get there.
Dad: Oh, no. You don't have to call me when you get home.

Again, being the wonderful daughter I am, I called when I was back in Charleston. So this week I was eating with my parents again, and again parting with leftovers and goodies.

Mom: Randy (family friend) was in town the other day. He stopped by the house on his way to Edisto (about an hour away). We had a nice long visit; he didn't leave til around 10 o'clock. Your dad asked Randy to call him when he got to Edisto that night. And Randy called us! [Imagine mom smirking.]

Maybe Randy's the best child?!?

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