
Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hi. My name is Elizabeth Ann. I'm 26 and I've been wrestling with Adult Acne since I graduated from college. Highschool presented few problems for me in this area. College gave me nothing to complain about. But I find it is a daily battle for me these days...and gets worse with stress. I've been to dermatologists (some better than others!), been on oral meds, and several expensive lotions. But who wants to be on oral medicine for the rest of their lives for bad skin? Grrrrrrr.

The best thing for me as of the past year has been Pro Active's Refining Mask. Basically, it is some kind of sulfur treatment that Krissie (thanks, KB!) gave me. And my friends love it when I douse my face wit before bed...large white blobs. Last night I showered before Top Chef so I could stay awake for it. Then put on my you can imagine, I looked super hot. Then I realized that my roomate would be coming home with her out of town boyfriend...that I don't yet know too well. Cool.

Me: Hey, Rob. I didn't know you were spending the night tonight, or else I wouldn't have gone ahead and put my face medicine on.
Rob: Nah, its cool. (I'm hoping he means it, but I'm sure he thinks I'm a bizarre looking nut.)

Another notch in this awesome single girl's belt.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate! I've been battling mine since the 7th grade. Since my two bouts of Acutane in high school and college, it's been much better. But, I have succommed to the fact that it is a part of my life that I just have to deal with! I know, it sucks!
    Thanks for the humor...those that have beautiful skin will not appreciate this post! :)
