
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Personal Space

Is not a concept to Haitians.  I guess you can't demand personal space when there are so many people living all around you and/or sharing your house, bed, sidewalk, tap tap.

I enjoy personal space and need "Elizabeth Ann time" every day.  Two things that went by the waste side while in Haiti.  Personal space lost because kids are on you at all times: touching you, you're playing with them, they're playing with your hair, etc.  But you know what?  I loved it.  They needed to be loved and honestly, they loved me just as much in return.

Elizabeth Ann time didn't exist because I woke up in a tent with Courtney, ate breakfast and did a devotional with the team, was around kids, did construction with the team and Haitian workers, played with kids, went to supper in the car and ate with the team, got home and played with kids, then showered and went to bed.  Sometimes I stayed in the bathroom a few minutes later just for a breather.  But the bathroom was stifling, a hot box if you will.  God was very gracious with me and I didn't have a personal space/alone time breakdown while there.

Apparently as we were leaving Courtney and Leslie had a convo that went something like this:

Leslie: I really enjoy EA; she's super fun and bubbly.
Courtney: Yeah, she was this week.
Leslie: Is she not like this all the time?
Courtney: No, she gets dark and twisty.  And its a good thing for all of us that she wasn't this week!

Courtney told me this and I said, I was just thinking that I am in dire need of alone time and will probably be dark and twisty this coming week as I process the trip.  The alone time has been amazing!  I'm processing for sure, but haven't been too D&T...another blessing!


  1. dark and twisty - i love it. ok, you know who lucy is, right? i'm tired of writing my name to go with my posts. sorry, why isn't there an option for me to just write my name under comment as?

  2. Hey Frances! Not sure about the name thing, but I know it's you! :)
