
Monday, June 13, 2011

Recovery Process

It is hard to put what I "learned" into words.  I know the Lord showed me a lot and I don't want to forget those things.  Hope stands out for me the most in two ways:

1.  Praying for people on the spot.  I loved sitting with a kid and praying that his/her life would be different.  That they would be used to change Haiti and the world.  That God would raise them up to be strong, Godly leaders.  I also loved praying for healing -- be it a messed up tooth, open sore, umbilical cord hernia, etc.  While I didn't see anyone being healed on the spot, I know the Holy Spirit can do anything and I hope that healing occurs, even if I don't witness it.

I loved the idea of praying for people because I'm trusting God to instill hope and to make changes that I have absolutely no ability to do.

2.  Haiti is not the land of opportunity.  I never picked up on "The Haitian Dream."  In talking with one of my favorites, I asked what his dream was -- while he understood me, he couldn't grasp a dream to talk about.  Ugh.  Breaks my heart thinking about it.  BUT that is only when I look at things through my eyes.  I have to remember that I am only blessed by the things I have, the hopes and dreams I have, and the faith I have that things in my life and others' might change because of the salvation I cannot earn in Jesus Christ.  I am no more righteous, no more deserving, no more worthy of God's grace and love than anyone else.  And I have to have hope that as Jesus saves souls in Haiti, and He is/will, the hope will follow...not to make enough money to buy a shack with a picket fence and 2.5 goats, but hope that there is freedom in Christ, hope that the Lord can do all things, and hope that their world can be redeemed.

I don't want to forget this week, yet I know sooner than later my life will fall into its old's hoping that though my activities return to normal, my heart remains changed.

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